A glance view from the heaven's gate,
There are people just standing in grieve,
smelling the nice perfume of heaven by far
coz they dont have heaven's keys.
There are also people passing through it,
by flying
by running
by walking
by crawling
Watever the method is,
they all have heaven's keys.
I was born with heaven's keys
somehow i dropped it somewhere
will i make it in time to find it?
or will i not?
There is only one way
to get it back
is to ask thy Lord
to show me
where my heaven's keys are
And when ive got it,
i must make sure,
that it wont again slip away
coz if it does,
there is no guarantee
if i'll get it back or not.
Ya Allah.. semoga aku ditempatkan bersama orang2 bertaqwa.. =(
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